Thursday, February 22, 2007

Message from the Commissioner

As the weeks draw down - 10 weeks today is tee off - the tension mounts for this years summit.

I sent out the four options for the summit this year and have heard little feedback from participants. As commissioner I am leaning strongly towards option three for the following reasons:

1. Team matches are the morning rounds on each day with the individual matches being in the afternoon (with the exception of the final day when it is reversed)

2. Course - Team matches would be played on Kelowna Springs; Quail and Bear with all individual matches being played on Predator Ridge (exception being the first one against your team partner - which could be scheduled for the afternoon of day one so that it is on Predator as well)

3. Time of day - team play is in the a.m. when the old guys are stiff and tired and therefore we can lean on our partners for support and condolences where necessary - especially the Alberta Beef because by late afternoon they are usually not speaking to one another.

4. Finals - both team and individual will be on Harvest and I scheduled the Individual match's first. Perhaps these should be reversed so that the team is in the morning and individual in the afternoon - after we have played the course once it would help individual match play somewhat. That way we all know where we are going. It has been a few years since we played Harvest.

I am of course open to the will of the masses and the majority shall rule the scheduling of this years summit. I am really pumped but it seems so far away.

Please think about this and let me know your thoughts. I think we will need another breakfast to pump things up sometime in early April. We can also leave the ultimate decision on scheduling to that breakfast as well. I just need to know within a couple of weeks of D-Day so that I can prepare the scorecards on the correct golf courses.

I would also ask that any medical updates - or new club purchases (especially the Young Guns - drivers; hybrids etc.etc.) be disclosed at the breakfast as well.

-15 outside but warming up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March will come in like a lion and leave like a lamb with all participants being able to play locally the entire month of April to get their games in shape for the Summit.

Have a good day

Commissioner Dawg

69 days till the summit begins...

The G-8 Summit begins May 3rd, 2007 in Kelowna, B.C.
4 days, 8 rounds of golf, one winner.

Message from the Commissioner

As the weeks draw down - 10 weeks today is tee off - the tension mounts for this years summit.

I sent out the four options for the summit this year and have heard little feedback from participants. As commissioner I am leaning strongly towards option three for the following reasons:

1. Team matches are the morning rounds on each day with the individual matches being in the afternoon (with the exception of the final day when it is reversed)

2. Course - Team matches would be played on Kelowna Springs; Quail and Bear with all individual matches being played on Predator Ridge (exception being the first one against your team partner - which could be scheduled for the afternoon of day one so that it is on Predator as well)

3. Time of day - team play is in the a.m. when the old guys are stiff and tired and therefore we can lean on our partners for support and condolences where necessary - especially the Alberta Beef because by late afternoon they are usually not speaking to one another.

4. Finals - both team and individual will be on Harvest and I scheduled the Individual match's first. Perhaps these should be reversed so that the team is in the morning and individual in the afternoon - after we have played the course once it would help individual match play somewhat. That way we all know where we are going. It has been a few years since we played Harvest.

I am of course open to the will of the masses and the majority shall rule the scheduling of this years summit. I am really pumped but it seems so far away.

Please think about this and let me know your thoughts. I think we will need another breakfast to pump things up sometime in early April. We can also leave the ultimate decision on scheduling to that breakfast as well. I just need to know within a couple of weeks of D-Day so that I can prepare the scorecards on the correct golf courses.

I would also ask that any medical updates - or new club purchases (especially the Young Guns - drivers; hybrids etc.etc.) be disclosed at the breakfast as well.

-15 outside but warming up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March will come in like a lion and leave like a lamb with all participants being able to play locally the entire month of April to get their games in shape for the Summit.

Have a good day

Commissioner Dawg

69 days till the summit begins...

The G-8 Summit begins May 3rd, 2007 in Kelowna, B.C.
4 days, 8 rounds of golf, one winner.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Courses Have Been Chosen

May 3, 2007 - Morning Round - Kelowna Springs Golf and Country Club
May 3, 2007 - Afternoon Round - Predator Ridge Golf Course
May 4, 2007 - Morning Round - Quail Golf Course
May 4, 2007 - Afternoon Round - Preator Ridge Golf Course
May 5, 2007 - Morning Round - Bear Golf Course
May 5, 2007 - Afternoon Round - Predator Ridge Golf Course
May 6, 2007 - Morning Round - Harvest Golf and Country Club
May 6, 2007 - Afternoon Round - Harvest Golf and Country Club
All links to the courses are on the menu on the right hand side of this page

83 days till the summit begins...

The G-8 Summit begins May 3rd, 2007 in Kelowna, B.C.
4 days, 8 rounds of golf, one winner.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Flights are booked and confirmed

Departure - May 2, 2007 - Flight 197 - depart 4:55p.m. and arrive 5:01pm

Departure - May 6, 2007 - Flight 422 - depart 7:50p.m. and arrive 9:52 pm

85 days till the summit begins...

The G-8 Summit begins May 3rd, 2007 in Kelowna, B.C.
4 days, 7 rounds of golf, one winner.