Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I have discovered some huge news that will most defiantly affect the handicaps:
Mustard Man and Big Dawg are heading south west to play some extra rounds before the summit. That's right, they're heading to Victoria to play Bear Mountain Golf and Country Club twice next week as a warm up for Kelowna. This has GOT to affect they're handicaps. So, I suggest Big Dawgs down to a 6 and Mustard Mans down to a 16. All in favour?

14 days till the summit begins...


Anonymous said...

Training Camps are an important part of Team Clydesdales 2006 game plan and we will be pleased to present handicap cards upon completion of play.

By the way we have room for two others ???

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. Advance play is not allowed. 6 for the dawg, and 14 for the mustard man.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Shark. Actually, perhaps we should also take into accound the rounds Bid Dawg played in Arizona. Were the handicaps not written in stone, I would suggest that the Big Dawg be bumped to a 4 (after all, he has got new equipment, additional practice time and was shocked to get out of our breakfast meeting without being moved to a 6. Mustart Man can just go down to a 14 where he should be.

Anonymous said...

Is the M Man trying to spot the nearest outhouse in this picture? It looks like he needs one. (And he is smiling.)