Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Results of the G 8 Summit 2006

The G-8 Summit began April 19th, 2006 in Kelwona, B.C.
4 days and 8 rounds of golf later:

Team Best Ball Champions 2006:

The Young Guns (3-peat)
Dwight "Shark" Anthony

Brian "Walrus" Gallimore

Individual Match Play Champion 2006:

Bob "Big Dawg" Gallimore of the Clydesdales

Pictures of the summit to come...

359 days till the 2007 summit begins...

Monday, April 17, 2006

For the Wives

Here's where your husbands will be for April 19th-23rd:

Edmonton Team Members - all flying Westjet
Depart April 19, 2006 at 4:30 pm and arrive in Kelowna at 4:40 pm

Calgary Gay Caballero - flying Air Canada
Depart April 19, 2006 at 5:55 p.m. and arrive in Kelowna at 6:11 p.m.

We will be staying at the Days Inn in Kelowna:

April 20-23rd - We will be at one of the following Golf Courses:
Kelowna Springs Golf Resort
Predator Ridge Golf Resort
Gallaghers Canyon Golf Resort
The Okanogan Golf and Country Club - Bear Course
The Okanogan Golf and Country Club - Quail Course

Edmonton Team Members - all flying Westjet
Depart April 23, 2006 at 7:25 pm and arrive in Edmonton at 9:28 pm

Calgary Gay Caballero - flying Air Canada
Depart April 23, 2006 at 6:35 p.m. and arrive Calgary 8:48 pm

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Bear Mountain

Here are some final pictures from the Clydsdale training camp:

1 week till the summit begins...

Who said Big Dawg had a fast swing - note how the Mustard Man caught me mid-swing

As usual - Al played the Par 3's in true form - lots of double bogeys. Maybe the fog was bit of a problem.

Training camp included intense dining with lemon soup appetizer followed by a "small" order of ribs. Mustard Man is ready for action.

OK - so that first picture was Al preparing for the day. So much for a first time poster boy like Big Dawg. Here is the 19th hole.

Day one saw sunshine and clear skies over Victoria. Here is the scenic 19th hole at Bear Mountain with Downtown Victoria in the background. This hole was placed after the golf course was built and is situated between the 14th green and the 15th teebox

Friday, April 07, 2006

Holy Trash Talk!!!

The Trash Talk has begun...

12 days till the summit begins...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I have discovered some huge news that will most defiantly affect the handicaps:
Mustard Man and Big Dawg are heading south west to play some extra rounds before the summit. That's right, they're heading to Victoria to play Bear Mountain Golf and Country Club twice next week as a warm up for Kelowna. This has GOT to affect they're handicaps. So, I suggest Big Dawgs down to a 6 and Mustard Mans down to a 16. All in favour?

14 days till the summit begins...

A Little G-8 History

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Winter Golf

I have been checking the weather everyday and it is not looking good. No worries though because our spiritual leader (Chuck) is praying hard that this will change. That being said, let's get ready for some winter golf...

15 days till the summit begins...